The Winds of Change

It always amazes me how quickly life can change. In the blink of an eye all we know can be taken away, changes have to be made and our routines are thrown for a loop. It has been months since we have posted a product review or shared an adventure story, because of that simple…

The Hurtta Life Savior

I’m sure the thought that comes to many people’s minds when they see the words “doggy life jacket” is, “Why would my dog need a life jacket? Don’t they already know how to swim?”Contrary to popular belief, there are some dogs out there who do have a harder time with swimming. Whether it be due…

Sweet Dreams:The Hurtta Outback Dreamer

I think the toughest part of camping with dogs (or my dogs at least) is sharing a sleeping bag or blanket with them. My pups (Hope Especially!) love to steal the warmth from me! That is, until I acquired the Hurtta Outback Dreamer. This canine tailored sleeping bag is not only a source of warmth,…

You Won’t Go Wrong with GoRumpl

What the heck is a Rumpl, you may ask. Think “sleeping bag blanket”. These lightweight, but super warm blankets are made out of the same stuff that sleeping bags are made out of & take up a fraction of the space. We were sent the Jr. Puffy Blanket to review & boy were my kids…

Keep Moving With The Hurtta Action Belt

What is the most frustrating thing you have encountered when taking your pup for a walk? For us, it was always not having enough hands to carry our gear & effectively restrain the pups! Thanks to the Hurtta Action Belt, you can now have your hands free to walk Fido & still bring the much…

Paw Prints On My Heart: Hope’s Story

As pet owners, we all have had (or have) that special pet that has just captured our hearts. They are a part of everything we do/have done, we can’t imagine life without them, & when we scroll through our photo galleries on our phones, there are about a million photos of said pet. No matter…

Keep Going with the Hurtta Active Harness

If you’re going to get a harness for your dog, make sure it is one that can handle adventure. The Hurtta Active Harness can definitely do that. We had a small issue with the chest plate being too wide for Hope’s tiny little frame, but the harness itself is a great investment for dogs with…

Drinks With The Hurtta Fountain Bowl

When you live in the scorching hot, Arizona desert, hydration is most important. We always carry water for ourselves & our pups, but what happens when they actually need a drink? They can’t hold the water bottle & pull it back to their lips like we can! That ‘s where the Hurtta Fountain Bowl comes…

Hitting The Trails With The Hurtta Trail Pack

If you hike with your dogs, you will never regret having a pack for them. We were SO excited when Hurtta sent us the Trail Pack to test because Chappie was finally big enough to start wearing one. If your dog has their own pack they can carry their water, treats & poop baggies on…